Green and Digital – Many challenges, One possible solution

With a little help from the pandemic, ALL companies – regardless of size and industry – have finally realized that to remain competitive it is fundamental to speed up digitalization. Despite the obvious challenges: technology creates profound changes in relations with clients, suppliers, partners the competences required to innovate are changing at a higher speed […]
WATER – Preserving a Scarce Resource

Should we continue to accept Italy’s dramatic waste of water – year after year? Personally I don’t think so: We have the awareness created by DATA We have the urgency created by CLIMATE CHANGE We have plenty of technology to SOLVE the problem! Italy is the EU country with the highest withdrawal of drinking water: […]
Flight to the future: the Aerospace industry in Italy

The Space Economy The Italian aerospace sector is the 7th worldwide and the 4th in Europe by turnover (ICE, 2020). The importance goes far beyond the economic value because this industry has always had a role as the driver of innovation: many products, materials e technologies that we cannot live without today, were invented in the […]
Webinar on the Italian Health Tech Market

The Italian market after Covid19 Our webinar about the Italian Healthtech market (February 18th 2021) was organized in collaboration with the Danish association Welfare Tech (now: Danish Life Science Cluster). The purpose was to share insights about the Italian market for Healthtech, one year after Covid19 dramatically hit healthcare markets all over the world. In Europe, […]
ITALY – a leading European agrifood market

1. Italy = AgriFood Italy is the third market in Europe (after France and Germany) both in terms of market size (60 million consumers) and in terms of agricultural production (about 55 billion euros). Food is deeply rooted in the Italian culture and internatioal brand and Italy is the EU country with the biggest Association […]
ITALY: the most interesting market in Europe for Health Tech!

WHY? 1. Large and growing elderly population Italy has 60 million citizens, the average age is among the highest in the world and life expectancy is increasing. There are already over 13 million over-65s and over 4 million over-80s (respectively 22.5% and 7% of the population) and they represent 25% of the country’s private consumption, […]
European cross-pollination – export markets or innovation partners?

How do we increase the number of new businesses and services in Europe capable of competing with increasingly dominant US and Chinese players? Inside the European union we share many, fundamental values but our country-specific differences (political models, national interests, climate, language and culture) still create barriers to effective and large scale co-creation. In my […]
Building 4.0 – Smart Buildings and Process Innovation

We were invited to this conference by the Association of Engineers, the Association of Architects and the Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi. The event is organized by the main professional and trade associations (engineers, architects, consultants) with the collaboration of research bodies and companies in the innovative 4.0 building industry.We presented the session:“Innovation and 4.0 […]
4.0 Innovaton – YOUR growth Project

Florence 9-16-23 November 2018 Where: MIP – Murate IdeaPark | Piazza Madonna della Neve 8, 50122 – Florence Innovating in just 3 days? Or course, you can do it too!In this workshop, starting from use cases, demos, interest and requirements of participants, we work together to create IoT and Enterprise 4.0 solutions to innovate your […]
IoT and Industry 4.0 workshops

New technologies and business models, architectures, incentives and testimonials to build solutions and grow your business. Workshops that we have organized with the support of Amazon Web Services, Farnell and in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Bari. Milan workshop on IoT and Industry 4.0 Applications for small and medium businesses, and real use cases – […]